George Frideric Handel – Handel’s Messiah

He was born in Haile in the Duchy of Magdeburg, Germany in 1685. His musical talent was discovered very early, much to the chagrin of his father. His education included some musical training, but his father withdrew him from that. As a child, young George secretly created musical opportunities. He first played in public by walking up to the church organ (age 9) in the local cathedral and began playing. The organist, Friedrich Zachow began teaching him and Zachow had a lifelong influence on Handel. Handel became proficient on: the organ, the harpsichord, the violin and the oboe. He had opportunities of learning from several musical masters and throughout his life, he was a prolific musical writer. His operas became successful and allowed him some income. He moved to England in 1712. In 1727, he wrote an anthem for the coronation of King George II. That anthem has been used in every coronation since. In the 1730s, he began to write oratorios. In 1741, he began working on “The Messiah.” It is like an opera without the speaking parts. “The Messiah” covers the Old Testament prophecies and the New Testament commentary on the life of Jesus Christ. The production of “the Messiah” has become a yearly Christmas staple in the celebration of the story of Jesus. Come and hear the stories of George Handel and his beloved Messiah.