Walt Disney – The Man & His Magic
Walt Disney was born and grew up in the Chicago area. He started drawing by the age of six. That unleashed a lifetime of artistic expression. He was too young to enlist in W. W. I, so he joined the … Continued
Walt Disney was born and grew up in the Chicago area. He started drawing by the age of six. That unleashed a lifetime of artistic expression. He was too young to enlist in W. W. I, so he joined the … Continued
That beautiful building has stood for over a 1000 years. Its walls ring with history. You walk among the famous kings and queens and prime ministers and politicians and poets who are all buried there. The building has been remodeled … Continued
He was born in 1857 in the Netherlands. He was born to a family that was long on love and short on many of the blessings of life. His father was a minister and so Vincent wanted to try that … Continued
Arguably the greatest artist ever. The story has obscure beginnings that include illegitimacy. His opportunities were limited, but his talent was not. He became well known and could pick and choose projects, but his interests were so varied that his … Continued
The stories about Jesus’ birth in the nativity begin with the opening chapters of Matthew and Luke. Artists throughout history have tried to recreate those momentous times. Come and see the works of the masters such as: Durer, Da Vinci, … Continued
The art, music, and literature. Those two decades defined the highest highs and the lowest lows in America. How did the creative world respond to those events? Come and hear about the art (Picasso & Dali). Come and hear about … Continued
The sound of his name inspires images of the art of Americana. His life and times and art redefine how we view our world and how we feel about a variety of subjects. His art chronicles a time of more … Continued
In 1798, in an obscure village in Egypt, during the Napoleonic War, a wall was destroyed and a stone fell out of the wall, face up. The soldiers looked at it and saw writing on the stone. Someone recognized that … Continued
The man and his art. His very name inspires awe and almost reverence in seeing what he did. His art transcends time and culture and perception. His greatest masterpiece (arguably) was the Sistine Chapel. The Sistine Chapel ceiling was done … Continued