The Events of June
Any time you review the events of a specific month, an array of known and unknown subjects come up. Such is true when looking at the month of June. We have well known holidays, such as Flag Day on the … Continued
Any time you review the events of a specific month, an array of known and unknown subjects come up. Such is true when looking at the month of June. We have well known holidays, such as Flag Day on the … Continued
He was a farmer’s son from Kansas. He loved sports more than academics. He went to West Point and played football until he had a major knee injury. He was noticed by several generals in positions of power because of … Continued
World War II; the defining military conflict in world history. As expected, such a cataclysmic event brought the sharpest military minds on all sides, to the attention of the whole world. This presentation covers the senior military commanders serving the … Continued
Do you know of the story of two magnificent writers and how their falling in love redefined how we feel about that concept? As a man, would you like to be called Mr. Elizabeth Barrett Browning? Could she have become … Continued
Throughout American history, we have had many wars and supported, to varying degrees, our soldiers and their valiant efforts. How did Decoration Day morph into Memorial Day? Who was BJ Cigrand and what did he do? When we stop to … Continued